Privacy Policy


COREST SLOW FOODS, S.A., with registered office at Compte Urgell 204 4B and the company can be contacted, for any question related to this website, at the telephone number 934 300 106 and/or in the Email Box:


The site where you are located is the interactive space created by COREST SLOW FOODS, S.A. to offer more information about their products and services.


These Websites are property of COREST SLOW FOODS, S.A. All domain names and other intellectual property rights are the property of COREST SLOW FOODS, S.A., in such a way that no content thereof may be transferred, copied, reproduced, published, uploaded, sent, transmitted, distributed or exploited in any way. , with the exception of the use of the Website and its contents in accordance with its purpose, being able to make strictly private downloads and copies without being able to make any use other than that stipulated in these conditions. Contravening the above will constitute a violation of the copyright and other property rights of COREST SLOW FOODS, S.A. The modification and use of the contents for purposes other than those permitted here is a violation of the copyright and other property rights of COREST SLOW FOODS, S.A. For the purposes of these conditions of use, the use of the content referred to here on any other website or computer network is prohibited.


These conditions of use will govern as long as they remain unchanged on the website, COREST SLOW FOODS, S.A. reserving the right to alter, modify or delete them at any time, and these changes must appear on the website itself.


The main purpose of the website is to inform about the services and activities of the company that assumes legal obligations regarding the protection of personal data, especially with regard to:

  • The existence of a file or processing of personal data.
  • The purpose of data collection.
  • The recipients of the information.
  • The optional or mandatory nature of the questions we ask.
  • The consequences of obtaining the data or refusing to provide it.
  • The possibility of exercising the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition.
  • The identity and address of the person responsible for the treatment or, where applicable, his representative.

It is the wish of that the user has adequate information to decide expressly, freely and voluntarily if they wish to provide their data in the manner required. In this sense, the user is informed that their data will be incorporated into an automated file, whose owner and controller is COREST SLOW FOODS, S.A., with address at C/ Balmes, 47, carrying out automated processing of the same whose purpose is:

  • Know user participation for statistical purposes.
  • Inform the user of the existence of COREST SLOW FOODS, S.A. products and services. and/or companies belonging to the same group and/or third-party collaborating companies.

Unless otherwise stated in each case, the data collected in the forms is necessary and mandatory to be able to access the services of the website or section of the Website to which it corresponds. will not be able to register those who do not provide mandatory data.

The user must fill out the forms with true, exact and complete data, being liable for any damages that may be caused in the event of incorrect completion, with false, inaccurate, incomplete or outdated data.

COREST SLOW FOODS, S.A., is committed to adopting the security levels of personal data protection required by current legislation, installing for this purpose the necessary technical and organizational measures to avoid loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and others. possible risks.

COREST SLOW FOODS, S.A., is also obliged to comply with the obligation of secrecy regarding the data contained in the automated file established in current legislation.

The user or person representing him, as well as parents or guardians, may at any time exercise the right of access, rectification, cancellation, and, where appropriate, opposition in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law on Data Protection and others. regulations applicable to this purpose, directing a written communication to COREST SLOW FOODS, S.A., at the addresses indicated above in which the identity of the user is accredited; through the website itself, by communication to the mailbox address

COREST SLOW FOODS, S.A., informs that it is responsible and owner of the file, without prejudice to the fact that it may entrust a third party to manage the processing thereof, to which users give their express consent.

Regarding the use of Cookies, informs the user that when browsing the different screens and pages of this website, cookies are used, which are intended to recognize users who have registered and offer a personalized service, in addition to providing information on the date or time of the visit, measuring some traffic parameters within the website itself and estimating the number of visits made, allowing you to inform, focus and readjust the services offered in the most effective way. The cookies used are stored on the user’s hard drive but do not allow the data contained therein to be read, nor the cookie files created by other providers.

The cookies used are not invasive or harmful, and can be deactivated using the corresponding option in the browser.

Our primary concern is the security of the storage of the user’s personally identifiable data. We take great care when transmitting data from the user’s computer to our servers.

Only employees who need to access user data to do their jobs have access to it. Any employee who violates our data protection and/or security policies will be subject to disciplinary action, including possible dismissal as well as civil and/or criminal actions.


We inform you that, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 General Data Protection, we make the following information available to you:
The person responsible for processing your data is Josep Olivé Carbonell, S.A, with CIF A58310319 and address in Barcelona, C/Balmes – CP 08007. We inform you that we will process the information that you provide us for the purpose of your reservation request. The personal data provided will be kept as long as you do not request its deletion. We will not communicate your data. We inform you that you have the right to access your personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. . In certain circumstances, you may object or request the limitation of the processing of your data, in which case we will only retain it for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims. The legal basis for the processing of your data is the consent granted by clicking the acceptance box at the end of this form.


We inform you that, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 General Data Protection, we make the following information available to you:
The person responsible for the processing of your data is Josep Olivé Carbonell, S.A, with CIF A58310319 and address in Barcelona, C/Balmes – CP 08007. We inform you that we will process the information that you provide us in order to answer your request for information and respond. your suggestions. The personal data provided will be kept as long as you do not request its deletion. We will not communicate your data. We inform you that you have the right to access your personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. . In certain circumstances, you may object or request the limitation of the processing of your data, in which case we will only retain it for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims. The legal basis for the processing of your data is the consent granted by clicking the acceptance box at the end of this form.


COREST SLOW FOODS, S.A., will not be responsible for possible damages or losses that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system, caused by causes beyond its control.; Likewise, it will not be responsible for any delays or blockages that occur in the use of this electronic system, caused by deficiencies or overloads of transmission lines, in the Internet system or in other electronic systems, as well as for any damages that may be caused. caused by third parties through illegitimate interference beyond the control of

COREST SLOW FOODS, S.A., reserves the right to suspend access to its Web Site, without prior notice, on a timely and/or temporary basis, for technical or any other reasons, and may also unilaterally modify both the conditions of access, such as all or part of the contents included therein.


For any contentious issue or issue concerning the website, Spanish legislation will apply solely and exclusively, being competent to resolve all conflicts arising from or related to the use of this website. , the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona (Spain).